Možnosti vpisa


The objective of this course is to present current state of the art research challenges in integration of information system. The course will provide detailed insight into integration methods, approaches, technologies, patterns, and best practices. It will prepare students for research work in this area and point out currents unsolved and partially solved research issues. On completion of this course students will have detailed understanding on current state of the art research in integration, will be able to identify research challenges related to integration, apply key integration methods for information systems, analyze and asses integration technologies, understand integration patterns in detail and design complex integration architectures.


Information system integration has been an active research topic for several years and covers different aspects, from data integration, application integration, process integration and presentation integration. Lately, integration with devices (Internet of Things) has opened some interesting new aspects. From the research perspective, students will get familiar with state of art research, including schema matching, API management, API conformance, API compatibility, process analysis, metrics, interface design, governance, and other relevant aspects.

Detailed Content

• Types of integration: service-oriented, intra-enterprise (EAI – Enterprise Application Integration), inter-enterprise (business-to-business or B2B).
• Integration methods: »bottom-up« methods, which are based on the partial point-to-point integrations between systems; »top-down« methods, which are based on the global integration model and architecture.
• Approaches: data integration, application interfaces (API) integration, business methods and services integration, process integration, and presentation layer integration.
• Data-level integration: structured data integration, schema matching, semi-structured and unstructured integration.
• API integration: API management, API compatibility, API matching, API conformance.
• Service integration: service design, service interoperability, service patterns, interface matching, types of services.
• Process integration: process patterns, metrics, private processes, public processes, orchestration, choreography.
• Internet-of-Things integration: approaches, real-time and near real-time integration, fast data and fast events, etc.
• Integration architectures: point-to-point, client-server, service oriented, event driven, complex event processing, stream analysis, etc.
• Integration and data: markup languages, XML, transformations, schemas, standard vocabularies, namespaces, master data management (MDM).
• Integration patterns, electronic markets, electronic biding, digital identities.
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