Možnosti vpisa

Študent opravi pregled sorodnih raziskav za izbrano raziskovalno temo s področja računalništva in informatike, ki naj sovpada z načrtovano temo doktorskega dela. Pri tem prebere in povzame vsaj trideset znanstveno-raziskovalnih člankov iz ožjega in širšega raziskovalnega področja, napiše pregledni seminar, ki ga predstavi ustno ostalim doktorskim študentom.

The aim of the course is to write a review seminar on a topic that is related to the planned PhD. thesis. An important goal is to present the seminar in front of peers. This way, doctoral students become acquainted with different presentation techniques and styles. They become familiar with the research area of their colleagues, and learn about broader themes in the field of computer and information science. Compulsory attendance of this course and presence at seminars promotes bonding among students and faculty.

Samovpis (študent)