4 Milestone - deadline March 20, 2023

Opened: Wednesday, 8 March 2023, 12:00 AM
Due: Monday, 20 March 2023, 5:00 PM

Dear Students,

the goal of this milestone is to reach a detailed and verified design of your application. 

This includes choices of key technologies, their setup & investigation report (e.g. understanding of their maturity), and data schemata/models that have to be used for data exchange among services, a list of key functional and non-functional requirements that have to be addressed, a definition of key functionalities for implementation, refined ideas for the GUI/wireframes, setup of the repository with initial documentation plans (e.g. https://github.com/benja8151/FOG), and any integration plans. Not all of this is necessary, however, the document should provide a clear implementation plan. 

The deadline for this milestone is March 20, 2023, at 17:00.

Best regards, Vlado Stankovski