Final report

Открыто с: Пятница, 12 мая 2023, 14:00
Срок сдачи: Четверг, 22 июня 2023, 23:59

Every team has to submit the final report describing the developed intelligent system. The report should include the following sections:

  1. Introduction. Introduce the work, include the problem definition, i.e., describe the task the robot had to solve. Describe only the third task and the system that competed at the third competition (since this task includes also the first two).
  2. Methods. Describe the methods that you have used; how does your system detect and recognize faces, rings, and cylinders, what is the theory behind these methods? How does the robot navigate around the competition area? Focus on the theoretical part of the methods and not on the implementation.
  3. Implementation and integration. Describe the actual implementation of the methods and integration of different components into the integrated system. Describe how have you integrated all the components in ROS.
  4. Results. Describe the experimental results you have achieved, of the individual modules that you have evaluated, as well as the performance of the robot. Show the robot at work, describe how it performed during the competition.
  5. Division of work. Describe how have you divided the work between the team members. Every team member should describe what he did. Also, estimate the percentage of the total work done by the individual team members (that have to sum to 100% ;-)
  6. Conclusion. Conclude the report; discuss what you have done, give the final remarks. Mention also the hardware and software problems that you faced.

Try to be convincing, use everything you need (images, equations, plots, tables, etc.) to show that you understood the problem and to describe how you solved it (and that you understand how you solved it). You can also attach a video. Do not exaggerate, you do not need to write reports longer than 10 or 15 pages (unless you include many images), however, a couple of pages will not suffice either.

The report can be written either in Slovene or in English language. The report in pdf format should be submitted only by one team member and should list all the team members (as well as the team name) on the front page.

The report should be submitted by 8 June. If you do not plan to attend the oral exam during the first exam period, you can submit the report also later, but let me know this by sending me an email.